No ups and downs

martes, diciembre 01, 2015 yonneland 0 Comments

I didn't change, I just started calculating what I afford to lose.

I was asked to say what people say about me. I have no idea. I haven't heard any rumors about me and what people do say about me are fragments really connected to their personal experience with me. 

People I work with see me as a nice person, I don't generate conflict, I make people laugh, I don't contradict in a bad manner; if i see that people understand me wrongly I try to justify myself and make them understand my point of view ending the conversation in a friendly manner; I don't go out much, I always see the same people... I got less intense and maybe more boring. I feel I don't shine anymore;

I liked it when I was sparkling, but being a diplomat is not that bad either. I just don't leave any mark on people and that kinda' makes me feel sad, I liked the fact or the idea that I made a change, or even more accurate, that because of me change happened.

They say people that don't have enemies never stand for anything; I simply hardly find anything worth fighting for. I have my own opinions and I know they can be changed over time, they can get educated ir I can learn new evidence; so why should I stand for something fiercefully against people that are at a different stage in their research and not at the same stage as I am?

They say there is something worse than having people talking shit about you, when they don't talk about you at all. 

Bear with me, lack of gossip keeps me young and free, although somehow not as wild as I thought I was.

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